Hey There! Welcome to the Older version of Ultimate Doctor Who! This is the way, the site looked from January 1st 2009 - February 28 2009. To view the new, improved UDW please click here! Please note that some changes have been made, as this is just an archive to view if you are interested in the site.

Rob (Sylar)
Ultimate Doctor Who

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Man of Gallifrey - Episode Four

The Picture Above was Made by Me, Please do Not use Anywhere Else.
Episode Four of our FanFic, Man of Gallifrey is now available to read. It's the first episode of our first ever two-parter. It's called Z is for Zygons, and obviously features a monster that was in the Classic Series, The Zygons. Click here to read it.
For further information about Man of Gallifrey feel free to take a look at the sidebar to see titles for Series One and Details for Series Two.


  1. Sylar, can I be unbanned on the Cbox, cos there's a little something I wanna say to Doctor Who Fan.

  2. When i click onto Here, it comes up that you removed it...huh>?<

  3. Because the site has been removed
